Diretório empresarial português


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Diretório empresarial português > technology

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Listagens: 55

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ANEL - Equipment Technology

ANEL - Equipment Technology « technology

A Company specialised in Ceramic Equipment.
(Cliques: 777; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Dec 25, 2012, technology)

ceramic equipment, casting, glazing, presses, used Tags
http://www.anel-lda.com Link
Web Magazine for guys. Bless This Stuff

Web Magazine for guys. Bless This Stuff « technology

Web Magazine for guys. Men´s Style, gadgets, gear, technology, vehicles. Stuff we drool about.
(Cliques: 813; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Dec 19, 2012, technology)

bless this stuff, gadgets, gear, technology Tags
http://www.blessthisstuff.com Link
Sysadvance - Nitrogen Generator | Oxygen Generator | Biogas Upgrading

Sysadvance - Nitrogen Generator | Oxygen Generator | Biogas Upgrading « technology

Sysadvance is a company specialized in the industrial technology area and in the integration of advanced systems in gas separation. Offers solutions to pharmaceutical industry, electrical components, metallurgical, automobile, food, laboratory, medical
(Cliques: 2057; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Nov 16, 2012, technology)
Maia Maia address
sysadvance, engineering systems, industrial technology, integration, gas separation Tags
http://www.sysadvance.com Link
BEST Porto - Board of European Students of Technology

BEST Porto - Board of European Students of Technology « technology

(Cliques: 2344; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Nov 13, 2012, technology)
IMS Health

IMS Health « technology

IMS Health is a leading provider of information, services and technology for the healthcare industry around the world.
(Cliques: 1316; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Oct 19, 2012, technology)

pharmaceutical sales data, pipelines, drug launch information, ims health Tags
http://www.imshealth.com Link
Unisys A worldwide information technology company

Unisys A worldwide information technology company « technology

Unisys is a worldwide information technology company. We provide a portfolio of IT services, software, and technology that solves critical problems for clients.

(Cliques: 1732; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Oct 7, 2012, technology)
... PHARMaffairs - Pharmaceutical Consulting...

... PHARMaffairs - Pharmaceutical Consulting... « technology

PHARMAffairs provides you with the pharmaceutical regulatory support that fits your needs. We are the most flexible and quality-driven regulatory consultancy in Portugal.
(Cliques: 1631; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Sep 9, 2012, technology)
Almada Almada address
cosmetics, portugal, services, international, science technology Tags
http://pharmaffairs-consultants.com Link
Fernando Martins - Photography, Twitter and other Social Media

Fernando Martins - Photography, Twitter and other Social Media « technology

Passionate about technology and gadgets. Obsessed with simplicity and usability. Keen on photography.
(Cliques: 1116; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Sep 6, 2012, technology)
Porto Porto address
photo, foto, photography, fotografia, digital photography Tags
http://www.fernandomartins.com Link

BIOTEMPO « technology

BIOTEMPO - Industrial, Food and Environment Biotechnology
(Cliques: 1731; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Aug 26, 2012, technology)
Braga Braga address
biotempo, biotech, biotechnology, industrial Tags
http://web.biotempo.com Link
Diogo Gomes Blog

Diogo Gomes Blog « technology

Diogo Gomes personal blog on technology, programming, gadgets, education and general rants
(Cliques: 1962; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Aug 6, 2012, technology)
Aveiro Aveiro address
apple, linux, programming, gadgets Tags
http://www.diogogomes.com Link
Greentech desenvolvimento sustentável de Angola através das tecnologias ambientais

Greentech desenvolvimento sustentável de Angola através das tecnologias ambientais « technology

A Greentech -Angola Environment Technology é uma empresa privada de origem angolana, vocacionada para o desenvolvimento de projectos na área das tecnologias ambientais e nascida da constatação da necessidade de acelerar o processo de desenvolvimento sustentável em Angola.
(Cliques: 1196; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Jul 12, 2012, technology)

tecnologias ambientais, ambiente Tags
http://www.greentech.co.ao Link

WI-TECHNOLOGY « technology

Projeto mecânico, prototipagem, modelação 3D, analise de projeto!
(Cliques: 1673; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Jun 26, 2012, technology)
HQZ7 Technology - Revenda autorizada HP, LG, Positivo, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Cisco, IBM, ...

HQZ7 Technology - Revenda autorizada HP, LG, Positivo, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Cisco, IBM, ... « technology

HQZ7 Technology | Notebook, TV, Monitor, HD, Positivo, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Cisco, IBM, Revendedores, RJ, LG, HP, Revenda, Processador, Disco Rigido, Placa Mãe, Memórias
(Cliques: 798; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Jun 18, 2012, technology)

revenda, positivo Tags
http://www.hqz7.com.br Link
Superfuelmax, super, ionization, europa

Superfuelmax, super, ionization, europa « technology

Superfuelmax,super,ionization,europa. O Superfuelmax na europa.Nao aceite imitacoes.Max Technology
(Cliques: 1210; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Jun 10, 2012, technology)

superfuelmax, super, ionization, europa, anti calcário Tags
http://superfuel.com.sapo.pt Link
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology « technology

The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
(Cliques: 790; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: May 19, 2012, technology)

Biotec-Zone « technology

Biotecnologia Portugal | Biotech | Biotec-Zone Biotechnology
(Cliques: 1602; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: May 18, 2012, technology)
FUNSPORTS - Aluguer de Campos, Ligas e Torneios Escola de Futebol

FUNSPORTS - Aluguer de Campos, Ligas e Torneios Escola de Futebol « technology

Stunning responsive Joomla 3.0 template for technology news websites - JA Brisk. Built on the latest version T3v3, K2 component, Slideshow Lite and many more.
(Cliques: 2144; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: May 8, 2012, technology)

2 5 template, 3 0 template, t3v3 template Tags
http://www.funsports.pt Link

AIBILI « technology

AIBILI - Association for Innovation and Biomedical Research on Light - is a Research Technology Organisation in the Health Market dedicated to help the development of new products for health imaging, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
(Cliques: 2193; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: May 7, 2012, technology)

aibili, research, biomedical, health, imaginf Tags
http://www.aibili.pt Link

IDNT « technology

IDNT, Consulting & Technology > Home
(Cliques: 509; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Apr 29, 2012, technology)
Casale Media - Home

Casale Media - Home « technology

Casale Media is a core technology company that maximizes digital media value for the world's leading publisher & advertiser brands.
(Cliques: 951; Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Apr 23, 2012, technology)
Anadia Anadia address
advertising, exchange Tags
http://www.casalemedia.com Link
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