Diretório empresarial português > teacher training
Pesquisar: teacher training
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Listagens: 4
Kids Families Yoga - NGY Yoga Classes San Diego New York - Kids Yoga Teacher Training - Yoga ... « teacher training
Kids and Families yoga with Next Generation Yoga in San Diego, New York, childrens yoga teacher training, yoga books, videos and more.
(Cliques: 2275;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: May 3, 2013, teacher training)
Programa Prof2000 « teacher training
Programa Prof2000
(Cliques: 1664;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Apr 20, 2012, teacher training)
Kids Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga for Kids Certification, Yoga Poses for Kids, Yoga in the ... « teacher training
YogaKids: premier yoga for children program. Yoga poses for kids, kids yoga dvd, yoga in the classroom, teacher training. Like a graduate degree in yoga for kids.
(Cliques: 1607;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Mar 20, 2012, teacher training)
Integrative Restoration iRest | Integrative Restoration iRest « teacher training
Integrative Restoration Institute (IRI) provides programs and teacher trainings in iRest Yoga Nidra, an evidenced-based, transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry that helps reduce the symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and addictive behaviors. An iRest Yoga Nidra practice will release negative emotions and ...
(Cliques: 1061;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Mar 10, 2012, teacher training)