Diretório empresarial português > health services
Pesquisar: health services
Categorias encontradas: 0
Listagens: 3
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers « health services
MAPS works with and for the Brazilian, Cape Verdean, Portuguese and other Portuguese-speaking communities to increase access and remove barriers to health, education and social services through direct services, advocacy, leadership and community development.
(Cliques: 2145;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Mar 22, 2013, health services)
IMS Health « health services
IMS Health is a leading provider of information, services and technology for the healthcare industry around the world.
(Cliques: 1308;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Oct 19, 2012, health services)
Miguel Torres Curado - Consultancy services - Curado. com « health services
Consultancy - Main areas of activity: Geo-Politics and Corporate Activity - Quality Management- Environmental Management & Sustainability- Management Innovation - Social Accountability- Occupational and Safety and Health Management. Conference presentations, Seminars, Consultancy services
(Cliques: 1134;
Comentários: 0; Listagem adicionada: Apr 14, 2012, health services)